The 2022 Award Winners

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Thank you to everyone who cast their ballot in our first annual awards! We’re excited to honor the top industry events, podcasts and job sites for recruitment marketing professionals. Please join us in celebrating the award winners who were voted by users as the best in the recruitment marketing industry!

The Best Recruitment Marketing Event of 2022 Award: HR Technology Conference

The HR Technology Conference, hosted twice yearly as virtual and in-person events, is one of the world’s most popular and valuable HR conferences. It plays host to some of the biggest names in the HR industry while also promoting technological advances that benefit organizations of all sizes and industry sectors. 

Individuals participating in the conference gain access to workshops discussing the advantages and usage of various HR software platforms. They can test each system before making a buying decision — a benefit they’re unlikely to find anywhere else. 

HR professionals who are happy with their current HCM or ERP system can learn how to maximize its performance, ensuring they get the best bang for their buck.

Aside from learning about new HR systems, participants can hear from the top experts in the HR field as they discuss recent changes that will shape the future of HR, recruitment marketing, talent acquisition and the candidate experience.

The Best Recruitment Marketing Podcast of 2022 Award: The Chad and Cheese Podcast

Voters overwhelmingly voted the Chad and Cheese Podcast the best podcast of 2022 — and for a good reason. Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman genuinely know what’s going on in the industry and business world. Since 2018, they’ve regularly released informative shows discussing HR’s ins and outs and everything in between.

When you listen to the Chad and Cheese podcast, you won’t just catch up on the latest HR news; you’ll enjoy doing so. Between jokes and snarky comments, the two hosts manage to regularly engage their listeners, which is one of the top reasons they have such a strong following. 

Some of their top episodes for 2022 included discussions on the new Indeed pricing model, recruitment marketing with TikTok and DE&I initiatives.

The Best Recruitment Marketing Job Site of 2022 Award: LinkedIn 

As the premiere professional social media site, LinkedIn doesn’t require much introduction. Chances are you probably have a LinkedIn profile you share with colleagues, friends and family members. If you’re a business owner or manager, you likely have a profile for your company.

However, LinkedIn is much more than social media for the career-oriented. It is also a top site to apply for open positions, providing an easily searchable database of available jobs that users can sift through, looking for roles that fit their experience, education and skill set. 

LinkedIn has an added benefit to employers seeking to differentiate their company from others. Savvy HR professionals use the site for recruitment marketing and employer brand opportunities, such as videos and blogs describing what makes their workplace unique and what future employees can expect when they attain a job with their company. Celebrates Our Award Winners

While this is our inaugural review of the top top picks in the recruitment marketing world, we look forward to expanding this to include additional categories in the future! I like to thank this year’s award winners, nominees and everyone who took the time to voice their opinion for 2022. 

Please stay tuned for more details about how you can nominate your organization for our 2023 awards!

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