One of the annual must read reports in the recruiting industry is the HackerRank’s Developer Skills Report. With huge changes in the skills make up of the software developer workforce of tomorrow, we need to review what kind of skills developers care about, are getting good at and are letting go as the future leaves them behind.
Who better to talk us through the insights than Vivek Ravisankar and Juan Herrera, the senior hombres of HackerRank. Millions of data points from developer behaviour on the platform, as well as 5000+ survey responses from developers, managers, talent acquisition managers and candidates.
You will learn
– What are developers concerned about?
– Do engineers feel that there industry is growing or contracting
– How do developers think AI will change skills demand / skills development
– How do layoffs impact developers think about the job market?
– What languages are up / down in popularity from employer side?
– Is this a vibecession?
– Has the value of a CompSci degree changed?
– How do we really assess technical skills?
– How do developers think about remote vs RTO?
– Why do developers stay in their jobs? Why do they go?
All this and more. We’re with Vivek Ravisankar, CEO (HackerRank), Juan Herrera, President, Global Field Operations (HackerRank) & friends on Friday 22nd March, 2.00pm GMT.
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Ep250 is sponsored by our buddies HackerRank
HackerRank is a technology hiring platform that is the standard for assessing developer skills for over 3,000 companies around the world. HackerRank helps companies hire skilled developers and innovate faster by enabling tech recruiters and hiring managers to objectively evaluate talent at every stage of the recruiting process.
Download the 2024 Developer Skills Report here