The post 2021 drive for optimisation has led to a global wave of organisation restructuring, as every department, in every company, probably in every country comes to terms with a world of high interest rates, slowing growth, tougher margins and ever increasing volatility.
How have multinational TA teams responded, and reorganised?
– What prompted the decision to reorg?
– How long a run way do you need to even think about this??
– What are the most important elements of a successful reorganisation?
– Bundling and unbundling jobs into tasks create more opportunity to radical moves?
– Forex arbitrage – how much does this factor into the thinking?
– Any technology solutions that help?
– What are the main challenges of making a shift of this type?
– How do you keep the car going whilst changing out (all) the tires?
All this and more on Brainfood Live On Air. We’re with Martin Thomas, Head of Workforce Strategy, Philips, Jennifer Cunningham,VP Global Talent Acquisition (Pearson) & Christine Ng, Head of Talent, (Quantum Motion) on Friday 5th April, 2.00pm BST. Follow the channel here (recommended) and register by clicking on Save My Spot
Ep252 is sponsored by our buddies Metaview
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